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Monday, October 5, 2009

It's been about 3 months...

So yeah, I know I said I would be more, oh what's the word I'm looking for... diligent perhaps, with my blog but it's been 3 months since I wrote anything. I've been musing why and I guess the answer could be found in a few different spots. I've been dealing with school, and up until last week working a shitty job that had me driving all over the North Metro area. Then here's the relationships with my lady, friends, and family. It can be a bit hard to keep this updated but this month I'm going to do it goddammit! I don't know who reads this, and if anyone even cares but I need to write. In order to get some things off my chest it's the only real way I can give my insight on some of the ridiculousness that is life.

Current evens continue to be a sad silly affair. There are so many stories ridden with shenanigans it's hard to maintain sanity on a daily level. When all you see is unbridled stupidity and unbelievable ignorance on a level that continues to get more and more high... man, it's enough to make a man say fuck it. But I can no longer sit idle by.

I'm not saying that me witting in this blog is going to start some sort of cultural revolution and cause a real change in society, but if it brings me a bit of peace of mind, makes folks think, laugh and opens eyes, then why not? If no ones reporting on the things that matter then who will?


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